
Report on the launch of "Shinagawa Management Clinic"


We are sharing our management knowledge and know-how on YouTube! We have launched the "Shinagawa Management Clinic."

Management knowledge and know-how is now available on YouTube! Shinagawa Management Clinic” has been launched!
URL: https://www.youtube.com/@sinagawakeieikurinikku

The impetus for the clinic came from the fact that there are many commonalities among the consultations we receive from companies.

It would take a lot of effort for our representative to talk about these commonalities every time,
He also thought that it would be a good contribution to society if more companies knew about this information.
We decided to launch this channel.

What are the features of this Youtube channel?

We want to convey information that needs to be conveyed to the people and organizations that need to know it. To achieve this, we do not pursue the number of views.

(More like an internal channel: our clients, employees, prospective employees, partners, etc.)

We will not go for mindset theory. We will focus on introducing scientific management methods, and ask the audience to link them to concrete results.

We will point out the strange things about management to dispel various misconceptions and encourage correct management.

In short, the target audience is those who are serious about company management.

We hope you will take this into consideration when watching the show.

Channel title: “Shinagawa Management Clinic

Broadcast date: Every Friday night

URL: https://www.youtube.com/@sinagawakeieikurinikku

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)