
The world's easiest "management strategy" planning course epilogue

世界一やさしい 「経営戦略」立案講座 エピローグ

Strategists change the world

What kind of future is waiting if a lot of excellent strategists are produced? Strategists may enrich the company and use the funds to help society. If a company makes a profit, it also leads to a nation’s well-being.

Infrastructure will be improved with taxes, and medical and educational systems will be enhanced. When stakeholders who invest in a company get paid, their families also benefit.

Rewards are used not only for living expenses, but also for medical care, education, and hobbies, which is the sales of the company. It may be too simple, but it is possible that strategists can indirectly change the world by supporting companies. Predicting the future is very important in a rapidly changing world economy.

In that sense as well, we have entered an era in which the quality of strategists is questioned. This is because it is necessary to predict how the market environment will change, what kind of industry will lead Japan in the future, and to formulate a strategy speedily. Strategists must look to the company, region, country, and the world to think about what their company should do and what strategic proposals they should make.

What I am paying attention to is “CSV: Creating Shared Value”. CSV means “creating shared value” and means that economic value is created together by companies proactively tackling social issues and creating value for society. .. What kind of strategies and preparations are necessary from the perspective of “CSV” by expanding the perspective not only to corporate performance but also to “people,” “economy,” and “society” beyond that? The answer is not easy, but I am studying every day so that I can give back as a proposal to the company through my research activities.

Supporting companies with optimal strategies and creating many excellent strategists. This is my mission and I think it is the greatest contribution to society.